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Jay Kuehner is an independent Seattle-based film curator, educator, and writer. In 2017 he was curator of Veracity: New Documentary Cinema, a  film series dedicated to creative nonfiction cinema from around the world, presented at the Northwest Film Forum. He is an ongoing instructor at the NWFF as well, teaching courses in the history of documentary film as well as evaluations of 21st Century cinema, and acting as moderator to a series of live dialogues with local filmmakers including Meghan Griffiths, Lynn Shelton, and Ward Serrill. In 2014 he was curator of Pulsos Latinos: Films From The Frontier of Latin American Cinema.


In addition to curation and education, Kuehner is a free-lance film critic who has contributed to a variety of international publications, both in print and on-line, including Cinema Scope, Senses of Cinema, Film Comment, Sight and Sound, and Fandor. He was recently selected as a juror at Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal (RIDM: Montreal International Documentary Festival). He is currently preparing an ethnographic documentary about the effects of tourism on Navajo monument lands.

Jay Kuehner

S E A T T L E,   W A S H I N G T O N  |  U SA  


j a y k u e h n e r @ g m a i l . c o m

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